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Key documents to enclose with your tax return

Whether you’re an employee, self-employed, investor or parent, the key to accurate and complete reporting lies in collecting and submitting the appropriate documentation. Don’t be confused, we’re here to help. In this article, we’ve compiled a non-exhaustive list of the main documents you need to enclose for your tax return. By gathering these documents, you’ll be able to confidently navigate the complex world of taxation and optimize your tax deductions and credits. Get ready to take charge of your tax return and maximize your tax benefits!

List of documents for income

T4 and statement 1

If you worked as an employee, you’ll need a T4 and Relevé 1 for each job you held during the year.

T5 or T3 Summary of capital gains and losses

If you have investment income, be sure to include the T5 or T3, which summarizes your capital gains and losses.


If you have made RRSP or RRIF withdrawals, you will need to attach the T4RSP or T4RIF.


If you have received a scholarship for your studies, you will need a T4A.

T4OAS and T4AP or T4A

If you are withdrawing private or government annuities, be sure to include the required documents such as T4OAS, T4AP or T4A.

RC62 slip

If you receive the Universal Child Care Benefit, you will need to attach the RC62 slip.


In the event of a work accident or if you receive last-resort assistance, you’ll need the T5007.

Statement 5

If you have received benefits for an automobile accident, please include statement 5.

American pension

If you receive a U.S. pension, you must enter the total in U.S. dollars.

Rental income and expenses form

If you have income from renting out your buildings, attach the Rental Income and Expenses form.

Income and expense form

If you’re self-employed, be sure to include the corresponding income and expense form.

Taxable alimony

If you receive taxable alimony or child support, enter the total amount received during the year.

T4RSP slip

If you have made RRSP withdrawals for the down payment on your home under the HBP, please attach the T4RSP slip.

List of documents for tax deductions and credits

RRSP contribution receipts

If you have contributed to an RRSP, don’t forget to enclose the corresponding receipts, including those for the first 60 days of the following year.

Receipts for professional dues

If you have professional dues to a professional order or group, please attach the corresponding receipts.

T2202 and statement 8

If you were a post-secondary student, include the T2202 and statement 8.

Childcare receipts

If you have incurred daycare expenses for your children, don’t forget to enclose all receipts signed by the person in charge, with his or her SIN or daycare identification number.

Charitable donation receipts

If you have made charitable donations, please enclose all relevant receipts.

Bank statement for student loan interest

If you paid interest on a student loan, include the bank statement relating to this expense.

Adoption invoices

If you have incurred adoption costs, enclose all invoices relating to the adoption process.

List of medical expenses

If you have medical expenses, include the pharmacist’s list for the year, as well as any other medical expenses not reimbursed by your private insurance.

Public transit receipts or stickers

If you used public transport, enclose receipts or stickers for the year.

Receipts for physical or artistic activities for children

If you have children under 16 who have taken part in physical or artistic activities, include the corresponding receipts.


The tax return requires the collection and inclusion of various documents to ensure that all your sources of income, expenses and tax credits are taken into account. By gathering the documents mentioned in this article, you’ll be well prepared to complete your return accurately and take full advantage of the tax benefits to which you’re entitled.

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